Job-Hunting (How to Teleport)
Before you watch
If you could go back in time, which of the following would you do in your gap year before university? Why?
• Travel
• Work
• Do some Volunteering
• Become a couch potato
• Take a up a new hobby
• Grow your hair
• Grow a beard,
While you watch
1. Complete the following:
Since I graduated from uni last month…
2. What did Stacy do?
3. What about Helen? How’s she doing?
4. And what’s Jack doing?
5. What’s Jeremy doing?
6. What will he do in the meantime? (3 things)
7. What does Jeremy recommend about teleporting?
8. What was the closest Jeremy came to disappearing?
9. What conclusions are made?
After you watch
1. If you could teleport anywhere, where would it be?
2. Would you return?
3. If yes/no, why?