unit 2
Present perfect continuous
prepositions at, in, on - time expressions
At breakfast I read a lot.
at Christmas, on Christmas Day
how to read: I was on Friday 3rd April at 7pm.
at the weekend - British people say
I've got a lesson on Friday in the afternoon.
Can I say: I've got it on Friday afternoon.
parts of the day - in, but at night
points od the day - at
No prepostions:
today, yesterday, tomorrow
last, next, every, that, this
Questions, problems
how to read:
in 1900
in 1800
so on
I went for a quick drink and so on.
has yet to
is yet to
Mexico has yet to agree to pay for the wall.
Mexico is yet to agree to pay for the wall.
it is a rule: when in three final letters of a verb are: consonant - vowel - consonant we double the final consonant adding form ing or ed.
Why is the form -ing happening in verb happen?