Tea for Two
Before you watch
- How often do you visit a café/tea shop?
- What's important when choosing a café/tea shop?
While you watch
- Why's Jim getting worked up?
- Why's the first customer later than usual?
- What does he order?
- What does Jim recommend instead?
- How does Jim's wife respond?
- What does the second customer order?
- What does Jim offer with the cake?
- - You were supposed to show her to her seat
- I know but I got flustered.
What does flustered mean?
- What does the couple struggle to find?
- Complete the following:
________ is a virtue, sunshine
- How does Jim's wife get the first customer to move?
- How does Jim's wife get the two customers off their phones?
- What excuse does Jim's wife make?
- How does it end for the two customers?
- How does it end for the hostage?
After you watch
- Can you give an explanation for the story?
- Who are the characters? How are they linked?
genes, clock genes
modern lifestyle, dimly lit office
rules of biology
jet lag - our brain adapts more quickly
health problems